Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tricks to Connect Different Ideas in Writing

Tricks to Connect Different Ideas in Writing Despite having the most convincing and brilliant ideas in the world, no one is likely to pay attention if those ideas are not properly structured and connected. Your readers need to transition smoothly from one thought to another, else they will definitely find something else to read or do. The question that comes to your mind after reading the above prompt is, how do I get to achieve this, or am I doing it the right way? To answer your question(s) here are some tricks to connect different Ideas in writing. Prewriting Strategies Whether you are writing and the academic essay, a creative paper or any other kind of writing, they all have a common denominator; the need to keep the audience engaged. Capturing the attention of the reader from the beginning to the end of your write up depends on the coherence and clarity of the ideas. To achieve this in essay writing, you need to use various prewriting strategies before putting the pen to paper. Prewriting strategies helps writers create and organize content before they start the writing process.These strategies include: writing essay outlines; brainstorming, free writing, clustering, and using the six journalists questions. Essay outlines present the structure your write up will take. Brainstorming allows writers to explore their ideas without any restrictions or rather allows them to think outside the box. Free writing allows the writer to write the random thoughts and ideas established from brainstorming without paying attention to structure and the conventional writing styles. Clustering also referred to as mind mapping involves creating a visual representation of ideas helping to establish how ideas are connected visually. The journalists questions seek to answer the Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, and How? The Actual writing Having established the ideas and how they relate to each other, it is now time to put pen to paper. Connecting different ideas in writing is mainly a matter of attitude where you assume that the readers not only need to know what you know but also need to know how you arrived at that point. This is achieved by providing links in your writing or transitions between ideas.

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